Lausd Welligent Login at

If you or your child utilizes special education services through LAUSD, Welligent is an invaluable online system providing tools for IEP management, progress tracking, and more. This beginner’s guide will walk you through everything you need to know to access Welligent as a parent or LAUSD employee.

What is Welligent & Why Use it?

In a nutshell, Welligent is a secure platform specifically for LAUSD to:

  • Store and share IEP documents
  • Log therapies/services provided
  • Track student progress
  • Ensure educators and parents can access special ed info

Benefits include:

Improved workflow to manage IEPs and appointments
Higher quality care with comprehensive student data
Increased family engagement through parent portal access

Having all this vital info centralized in one system is priceless for coordinating care!

Accessing Your Welligent Account

Follow the steps below to log in based on your role:

LAUSD Employees

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your LAUSD username/password
  3. Click Log In

Your employee dashboard will load. Easy peasy!

Parents & Guardians

Parents must request an account through their child’s LAUSD school admin first. Once created:

  1. Go to
  2. Enter unique login credentials provided
  3. Click Log In

You’ll then access your student’s info.

Resetting Your Password

Forgot your password? Here’s how to reset it:

  1. Click Password Reset at
  2. Enter username, click Reset via Email
  3. Follow email prompts to create a new password

Pro tip: Enable two-factor authentication for extra security!

Getting Additional Welligent Help

Don’t hesitate to reach out to these resources if you need assistance:

You can also find Welligent on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

I hope you found this beginner’s introduction helpful! Let me know in the comments if you have any other questions.