Accessing Your Walmart Pay Stub Online at

Working at Walmart can be demanding, so having an easy way to access your payment details is important. Luckily, Walmart provides an online pay stub portal for employees. This portal allows you to view pay stub information like your hours worked, tax deductions, reimbursements, and net pay from anywhere.

In this beginner’s guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about using Walmart’s online paystub portal, including:

  • What is the Walmart Paystub Portal and its benefits
  • How to register and login
  • Resetting your password
  • Who to contact for help

What is the Walmart Paystub Portal?

The Walmart Paystub Portal is a website specifically for Walmart employees to access their payment statements, known as pay stubs. It displays a summary of your:

  • Hours worked
  • Gross pay
  • Deductions (taxes, insurance, etc.)
  • Reimbursements
  • Net pay (what gets deposited into your bank account)

Instead of waiting for printed pay stubs, you can log in and view this information anytime.

Key Benefits

Accessing your pay details through the portal has several advantages:

  • Convenience – View your pay stubs 24/7 without having to go to the store
  • Cost savings – No need to pay for printed copies every pay period
  • Control – Monitor your hours worked and where reimbursement money goes
  • Accuracy – Data comes directly from Walmart Payroll system

The portal puts you in charge of your payment information.

Registering for the Walmart Paystub Portal via

Registering for an account only takes a few minutes:

  1. Go to
  2. Click “Register Now”
  3. Enter your birth date and WIN (Walmart ID number)
  4. Click “Submit”

And you’re registered!

Your WIN is the 9-digit number you received when you started working at Walmart.

Logging In to View Paystubs

To access paystub information, follow these login steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your birth date
  3. Enter your WIN
  4. Enter your Facility Number and PIN
  5. Click “Sign In”

You should have received a facility number and PIN during the registration process. If not, contact Walmart Payroll Support.

Once logged in, you’ll see your pay stub details, including hours worked, taxes paid, reimbursements received, and final take home pay.

Reset Your Password at

If you forget your PIN, use these steps to reset it:

  1. Go to
  2. Click “Forgot your PIN?”
  3. Enter birth date and WIN
  4. Click “Submit”
  5. Follow email link to reset your password

Need Help?

If you have issues accessing the portal, contact Walmart Payroll Support:

Phone: (800) 421-1362

Email: [email protected]


The online pay stub portal makes it easy to monitor your Walmart income. Register today and take control of your payment details!