Step-by-step Guide to Activate Embark Vet Kit at /activate

So you just got an Embark Vet dog DNA test kit in the mail? Exciting! Now it’s time to activate your kit so you can discover key information about your pup through their genes.

Activating your Embark test kit is simple. Just follow this easy walkthrough and you’ll be set to mail in your dog’s DNA sample for analysis within 10 minutes.

What You Need Before Activation

Before getting started, make sure you have the following:

  • A stable internet connection
  • The 14-digit swab kit code found on your kit envelope
  • Your 7-digit Embark activation code
  • 5 minutes of time

Once you’ve confirmed those few critical details, you’re ready to begin.

How to Activate Your Embark Vet Kit at

Activating your Embark test takes just 4 quick steps:

1. Navigate to the Embark Website

Go to on any web browser. This is the exclusive Embark activation portal.

2. Login to Your Embark Account

Next, login using your existing Embark credentials. If you don’t have an account, no problem – just select “Create Account” to easily set one up in under 60 seconds.

Tip: you can use your Google or Facebook if you want to save time.

3. Enter Your Activation Code

After logging in, click the “Activate Kit” button next to your dog’s name. This prompts you to enter your unique 7-digit activation code to link it to your account.

If your code doesn’t work, select “Don’t have an activation code?” instead. You’ll then enter the 14-digit number off your kit envelope.

4. Finish Activation

Follow any last steps to complete activation. Once finished, you’ll see your kit marked as activated under your profile!

And that’s it – you’ve officially activated your Embark DNA kit! Now grab your sample from your dog and pop it in the mail.

How to Collect a DNA Sample from Your Dog

Collecting your dog’s DNA is hassle-free. Just follow this simple demonstration:

  1. Hold your dog’s mouth gently open with your non-dominant hand.
  2. Use the swab in your dominant hand to gently rub the inside of their cheek for 30 seconds.
  3. Swirl the swab tip around to pick up saliva and cells.
  4. Place the swab back in the tube and close tightly.

This quick cheek swab collects all the organic material needed for Embark to analyze your dog’s genes!

Important tip: Make sure to secure the tube tightly before mailing.

Once you’ve finished, drop the test kit envelope containing the swab into any local US mailbox. Embark will email you confirming they received the sample soon after.

And then within 2 to 4 weeks, your dog’s DNA results get delivered right to your inbox! At that point, their genetic makeup gets revealed.

Why Test Your Dog’s DNA?

Wondering how genetic testing actually helps your pup? Here’s 3 top ways:

  • Pinpoint over 200 potential disease risks – Discover which conditions your dog is predisposed to based on their genetics so you can watch for early signs. This allows you to catch issues early and adjust their lifestyle.
  • Learn over 175 dog traits – This covers everything from coat color to behavior tendencies. It gives you unique insight into why your dog looks and acts a certain way.
  • Connect with doggy relatives – If your pup’s relatives also took Embark tests, it’ll detect DNA matches. You may discover distant cousins, siblings, or more!

As you can see, genetic testing offers invaluable awareness that benefits your dog’s health and your understanding of them.

More Answers to Common Embark Questions

Still have some lingering questions about the Embark activation or testing process overall? Here’s answers to a few others we get asked frequently:

How long does the DNA sample take to reach the lab?

Inside the US: 7 business days via USPS

International: up to 14 business days

Can the sample expire before the lab receives it?

No. The tube liquid preserves the DNA for up to 1 year when sealed correctly.

How do I track my kit once shipped?

Login your Embark account anytime! Progress updates display on your profile’s dashboard.

I hope this gives you everything you need to successfully activate test and understand your dog better through their DNA! Let me know if any other questions come up.